

Resilience refers to the ability to maintain or quickly restore mental health during or after stressful life circumstances. It's about the resistance that is required to deal with the challenges of, for example, a serious illness. The special thing about it is that resilience is changeable and can be learned. Often this occurs as part of an adaptation process in which people learn to deal with difficult situations over time. In addition, resilience can also be actively trained and promoted.

At reSAILience e.V. we see positive and shared experiences as a crucial basis for building resilience. This is exactly where we start: With our sailing trips we want to plunge into an adventure and have fun at the same time. Also, participants should benefit from a community of people who have had similar experiences. In this way, our trips help young adults gain courage and return to everyday life strengthened and with new energy after a difficult diagnosis or treatment.

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Kent, Martha, Mary C. Davis, Shannon L. Stark, and Laura A. Stewart. “A Resilience-Oriented Treatment for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Results of a Preliminary Randomized Clinical Trial.” Journal of Traumatic Stress 24, no. 5 (2011): 591–95.

Linz, Svenja, Isabella Helmreich, Angela Kunzler, Andrea Chmitorz, Klaus Lieb, and Thomas Kubiak. “Interventionen zur Resilienzförderung bei Erwachsenen.” PPmP - Psychotherapie · Psychosomatik · Medizinische Psychologie 70, no. 1 (January 2020): 11–21.
